Always Gardenia
Always Gardenia
Less than a week until the North American Barbara Pym Conference in Boston and Cambridge! I look forward to seeing Pymsters I met at last year's conference and others whom I've come to know through the BP Facebook pages. Here's a Pymish story, using characters from Jane and Prudence: MOTHERS IN MAY By Betsy Hanson “I … Continue reading A Pymish Story: MOTHERS IN MAY
Happy New Year! To start off 2019, I am sharing "All of Me," the story that I presented at the North American Barbara Pym Society contest in Boston/Cambridge in March 2018. The task was to create a story of 2,000 words using one or more of Barabara Pym's characters, time travel allowed. I chose Maude … Continue reading A PYM-ISH SHORT STORY — “ALL OF ME”
Getting ready for the holidays today -- will post next week!
This week, rather than writing more about my publishing journey, I am sharing a report from December 2007, when my husband and I were in the midst of a six-week sojourn in Kyoto, Japan. I'm posting it today, Wednesday, December 5, because I may not have access to my website admin page on Friday; the … Continue reading THE FRIDAY (Wednesday!) FIVE HUNDRED (one thousand!) — A YEAR-END RADISH-BOILING
In September 2017, I decided to leave my NYC agent, who had been submitting my manuscript unsuccessfully to editors, and move forward on publishing Always Gardenia independently. I had fretted about this decision in much the same way one does about a romantic break-up: "Should I give it another chance? If I leave this relationship, … Continue reading THE FRIDAY FIVE HUNDRED: DIY, Part 2
I'll post again next Friday, November 30.